On this page you will find a variety of publications for download or links to websites where you can find more information.
Click on the link to the left to determine your property’s stormwater footprint.
As a companion guide to do it yourself stormwater solutions, be sure to check out the New Hampshire Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater Management and the A Shoreland Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater Management
Lake and Water Quality Information
New Hampshire Lakes and You!™Â A guide to clean, healthy & safe lakes. Publication of NH LAKES.
University of Maine Field Guide to Aquatic Phenomena
Gunstock Brook Stream Geomorphic Assessment Report July 2012
Gunstock Brook SGA Appendices
Appendix A
Appendix B (pgs 1-4)
Appendix B (pgs 5-6)
Appendix B (pgs 7-8)
Alternatives to Household Hazardous Waste
Final Report to the NH Water Sustainability Commission
The Commission is faced with the challenge of making recommendations and outlining a management plan for our state’s waters for the next 25 years. They know that this cannot happen without you and are grateful for your input on solutions for how we can better manage our state’s waters for present and future generations. The report will also be posted on the NHWSC website.